Monday, October 26, 2009

Exotic Deer Kills Game Manager At Central Texas Ranch

MOUNTAIN HOME (October 7, 2009)—An exotic deer has gored a 27-year-old game manager to death at a hunting ranch in Central Texas.
Brandon Buchi, a game manager at the Y.O. Ranch, suffered puncture wounds to the side and thigh last week.

Kerrville County Sheriff Rusty Hierholzer said Wednesday that the deer, known as a Barasingha, which is known for its full, sharply pointed rack, attacked after Buchi removed it from a transport trailer on ranch grounds Oct. 1.
Hierholzer told the Austin American-Statesman that the deer died from the exertion of the attack.

The Y.O. Ranch, founded in 1880, is about 100 miles west of Austin.

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